MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Friday, April 4, 2008


Okay, all you wonderful moms, I need some help! Issac has decided that he does not like to sleep at night. He is waking up 5 or 6 times every night. I can't really just let him cry because he is in the same room as Chase. He takes a 2 1/2 hour nap during the day, but that is it, so that should not be the problem. Any suggestions on how to help him sleep would be greatly appreciated!!!


Amy said...

Lindy... I am not a mom, but I found this online... just an idea Ü

What if my child has problems settling in at night or resists going to sleep?
There are different reasons your child may not want to go to bed at night. Find out why your child is a night owl, and read about some strategies to try.

Your child may have issues with autonomy. In other words, they may want to have more control over their body and their environment. This usually starts to happen after about nine months of age, and is what two-year-olds are famous for! Give your child some limited choice and “control” over the type of bedtime activities and the order of the bedtime routine. If your child has more control over these activities, they may feel less need to exercise control over when they fall asleep.

If your older child resists going to sleep at night, remember this: It is your responsibility to put your child to bed, but it is your child’s responsibility to go to sleep. Put your child to bed at a reasonable time after a reasonable bedtime routine. Have clear rules (stay in bed, no eating, etc.). Then, if your child doesn’t fall asleep, it may be that they don’t need so much sleep. If they stay awake late, and then want to sleep late in the morning, wake them up 10 minutes to a half hour earlier every morning until they are falling asleep at the time you want at night.

Basically, you should discuss the bedtime routine during the day so that the child knows what to expect at night. Then stick with it each night. If kids know what to expect, then they'll usually do okay.

Hope that helps Ü

Amy said...

Oh also... this was how one mother cooped with it...

"I keep a sleeping bag on the floor by my bed. If one of my three boys has trouble sleeping, I offer a few soothing words, give him a hug and a kiss, and tuck him into the sleeping bag. Knowing that Mom is a few feet away, the boys are comfortable going back to sleep, and I'm still able to slumber soundly."

But... then how would you break him of this?? who knows, but it was one of the ideas and it would at least give you a few nights rest perhaps to try again later in his own bed.