MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What is a BonBon??

Sorry for not posting much lately, just a little bit busy with ballet! Okay, so when we looked to see if Hailee was going to be in the Nutcracker, she was listed as a BonBon. Well, I having not done any ballet, knew nothing about a BonBon. Hailee had her first practice on Saturday and she came home and told me that she is going to be one of those little girls that comes out of the big dress. Okay, that I understood! We are WAY excited and WAY busy! Her performances will be in the middle of December out in Sandy and the tickets are $12, not a bad price for a Nutcracker performance. If anyone is interested in going, let me know and I can get you tickets.


Jami said...

That is so great- I love that part of the Nutcracker! I would really love to go see her-

jen said...

Hi there, I found your blog. If you get a chance check ours out. Talk with you later.

Jen Le Bel

Penny said...

Hailee will be a perfect Bon Bon. I hope I can come up and see the dance.